Vacation Rentals & Apartments in Kuta

Vacation Rentals & Apartments in Kuta

FAQs: Vacation Rentals and Apartments in Kuta

How much does it cost to book a vacation rental in Kuta?

Kuta is one of the most expensive cities in Indonesia. For a stay here you pay around CA$350.87 per night.

What time of year offers, on average, the best vacation rental prices in Kuta?

Travellers who want to save as much as possible travel to Kuta in June, September, and October, which are the months that offer the most discount, with average prices of CA$299.18, CA$316.58, and CA$342.21 per night, respectively, based on data collected in 2020.

In which months is it more expensive to rent a vacation rental in Kuta?

In 2020, the month that had the highest annual average in Kuta was December, with an average price of CA$395.56 per night. This was followed by April, with an average of CA$381.89, and January, with CA$363.5.

Is Kuta a good location for a last-minute getaway?

When organizing a trip to Kuta, it is not necessary to plan well in advance as the annual occupation is 32%.

What time of the year can I find more available vacation rentals?

The months when it's the easiest to find available accommodation in Kuta are August (the average amount of properties that are free reached 72.6% of the total in 2020), September (72.5%), and July (71.25%).

During which months is it more difficult to find available vacation rentals?

According to data from 2020, the months when it is most difficult to find accommodation in Kuta are, in order, December (with 57.25% of available rentals), January (64.2%), and May (67.4%).

How many rentals does Holidu have in Kuta?

In Kuta we offer you a comprehensive catalog of approximately 2900 properties, with options of all kinds, thanks to our 12 local and international providers.